Sunday, July 20, 2014

TNBC Surgery and Recovery

In May 2014, I was fortunate enough to get an appointment for a second opinion with one of the best breast surgeons at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC.  I loved her immediately and we scheduled my bilateral mastectomy for the following week.  It was what I wanted and because I have dense breast tissue I was a candidate.

The days before the surgery were extremely stressful.  I had to leave everything at work and in my home in order.  My six year old son had a difficult time with it. He cried and begged me not to go to the hospital.  It broke my heart.  If he only knew that I had no control.  Thankfully, surgery was a success.  They removed the tumor which was 2.7cm and 23 lymph nodes.  Unfortunatley, two nodes were cancerous.  After the pathology report came in I was told that I had Stage 2 TNBC.

Recovery went well due to the power of prayer. Being able to recoup quickly helped put my family at ease.  Now I need to work hard to get better so that I can be a part of my four year old's stepping up ceremony and my daughter's high school graduation.  I was there as I've always been for my children, in great discomfort but there.

Four weeks after surgery I began my dose dense chemotherapy treatments which means one treatment every 14 days for a total of 8 treatments.  My daughter is my chemo companion.  I think she finds solace in being there and knowing that mom is okay.  I was given a list of possible side effects but fatigue and and a few headaches are my only symptoms.  God is so good to me that he will not allow this poison to get the best of me.

I had to take time out to perform a spiritual analysis of my true relationship with God.  Saying that you have faith and actually having it are two totally different things.  I had to pray and scrutinize the word of God to find my answers.  I had to either succumb to the fear that my disease could spread or I could believe that my God has healed me.  I am washed in the blood of the lamb and because of that my sins are forgiven and I am healed.

Every night I take the time to pray for the TV personalities that have been brave enough to share their stories.  I understand how they feel and I know they need prayer.  I also pray for all the survivors I know.  I had a friend ask me why I was offering to pray for her aunt and sister who are very sick if I had so much going on with my health.  God isn't a selfish person so I cannot be either.

Thank you heavenly father for your mercy and never-ending love.

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