Friday, July 18, 2014

You or Someone You Love has been Diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer

In April 2014, I was unofficially diagnosed with breast cancer.  The breast surgeon made that determination by looking at a tumor with cancer characteristics on my mammogram.  I was in total shock.  I thought it was a death sentence and I was scared.  How could this be happening to me?  I am only 42 years old.  I have an 18 year old daughter, six and four year old sons.  I have a husband as well that depends on me.  I'm a healthy individual.  I don't drink or smoke.  What exactly is breast cancer and what do I do?  Am I going to live or am I going to die?

I along with family and friends didn't take the news well.  Everyone was crying and in disbelief.  I moved forward with the core biopsy to access which type of breast cancer, if any, did I have.  Days later, I got the devastating news that it was triple negative.  The most aggressive form of breast cancer.  I was angry.  I was angry with me and mostly with my God.  How dare you God!  I'm your servant and your child.  I go to church and I'm a good soul.  I have always been.  I had to cry and let it out.  My husband was nervous.  I'm a very strong woman and I just don't cry.  He said, "in all the years we have been married I have never seen your vulnerability."  I am only human and I just couldn't hold back my feelings any longer.  I was hurting inside.  Fine that I had to get breast cancer but did it have to be the worst kind?

I turned to the person I was most angry with, my God.  I asked him to guide and direct me and he did, to the book of Luke.  It was like water to my thirsty soul.  It discussed the miracles that our heavenly father has performed and is still capable of doing.  It also detailed Jesus crucifixion and resurrection.  I felt peace in my soul.  With my God by my side I can do this.  I had to plead my case to God.  Heavenly father, my children need me, my husband needs me, my parents need me, my family and friends too.  More importantly, YOU need me God.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer:
It refers to any breast cancer that does not express the genes for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and Her2. It makes the cancer more difficult to treat but you will get the best and most aggressive chemotherapy there is.  Its treatment currently only responds to chemotherapy, please consult a health professional if you have been told you have this type of cancer. 

I'm handling this journey on a more spiritual basis.  I am a born again christian and I love God and have faith.  He is in control and he will be holding my hand every step of the way.  Do not fear, my friend.  You can beat this! 

My advice is to get your core biopsy, that's followed by a a breast MRI, and then surgery.  I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy with breast reconstruction.  I have dense breast tissue and I felt more at ease removing all breast tissue since I am fairly young. 

Be diligent and set your fears aside.  It's okay to cry but then get up and move forward.  Your family and friends need you and trust me they are hurting along with you.  This isn't easy for anyone.   

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